Thursday, September 7, 2017

Trumps Two-Face War on Survivors


You can easily 
judge the character
of a person by 
how he treats 
those who can do
nothing for him.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

When it comes to the issue of sexual assault and our current President's position on the issue, the comic book character Two-Face comes to mind. The Batman nemesis is deeply conflicted. But so that I don't offend too many comic book lovers I will just present the "Two-Face" metaphor in a different way. In reality, the saying gets pinned on a person who wants to have life both ways. Someone who is one way to some people and another way to others.
On the last week of August, someone brought to my attention that the White House website had dropped the sexual assault report from 2014. It was discovered by Alexandra Brodsky, a civil rights attorney and co-founder of anti-sexual violence organization KnowYourIX.
“I went looking for it because I’m working on briefing for a client who’s a survivor and was looking for some literature about the impact of sexual violence and that’s been a really helpful resource for that kind of research,” Brodsky told HuffPost. “But it was no longer on the White House website. It’s not anywhere on the White House website.”Sexual Assault Report Drops From White House Site, Remains On Obama Archive
HuffPost updated their article to include where the report could be found for those who wanted to see it. The 2014 resource has been removed and placed on the Obama Archive website. But this action by the Trump administration doesn't help survivors and advocates to worry less about their rights. 

Donald Trump has used the word "rapist" as an attack tool to stir his base and give them cause to
follow to his agenda. No doubt as a former Democrat he has learned what issues can incense the public.
Central Park 5 standing trial for rape of jogger in New York
In 1989 Trump inserted himself into one of the most brutal sexual assaults of it's time. Five young teens had been arrested for the brutal beating and rape of a jogger in Central Park. Trump lit the match in the case later labeled: The Central Park Five. He took out a full page ad calling for the death penalty to be brought back, and expressing his hate for the young boys.
"You better believe that I hate the people that took this girl and raped her brutally; you better believe it and it's more than anger, its hatred and I want society to hate them."- Donald Trump.
In 2002 when the real perpetrator confessed to the crime and when his confession was backed up with
Full page ad Trump took out on accused boys.
DNA evidence, the young men (who had been convicted by coerced confessions) were exonerated. Trump's obsession for his idea of justice never wavered. In fact when the falsely accused men were compensated by the city of New York, Trump took to Twitter and wrote a full editorial in the Daily News, calling it a disgrace.

After Trump descends on a escalator in Trump Tower to announce his bid to run for the presidency, he again used "rape" as a tool to spur his campaign on by denouncing Mexicans as rapists, and calling for a wall to be built to stop the flow of illegal immigration into the US.
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
–Real estate mogul Donald Trump, presidential announcement speech, June 16, 2015
Inserting rape as a political tool seemed to be a way for him to build his base and rally voters. Trump would attack Hillary Clinton on her husband's involvement with Monica Lewinski, and digging up Bill Clinton's past with other women after he himself had been accused by other women of rape, and had been caught on audio tape making a rape-joke confession. Trump held a press conference with 4 women who would also be invited to one of the debates sitting front row to stare Hillary down, and throw her off her game. -Trump appears with Bill Clinton accusers before debate. CNN Politics

Trump supporters disrupt a Clinton Rally with shouts of "Rapist"
At the same time, Trump operatives including Alex Jones, Breitbart News, and Fox News, were stirring the pot with accusations of the Clinton's running a sex trafficking ring beneath a pizza place. It was a lie that some die-hard Trump followers would continue to tweet about even after the scandal was debunked. Others would interrupt Hillary rallies by shouting "Bill Clinton is a rapist," at the top of their lungs. They were taking a cue from candidate Trump, and using a social issue against those who questioned his behavior. Many of us who firmly believe that sexual assault should never be used as a political tool, watched in dismay, as the truth about this issue became over shadowed by those who were in the fight for a political win at any cost. After Trump won the presidency, not another word was spoken about the issue of sexual assault from him unless it was to double down on fears of immigration.

Since President Donald Trump took office, Title IX — the federal civil rights law that prevents sex and gender discrimination in education, has come under scrutiny. Betsy DeVos, who has donated to groups that are dismissive of sexual assault survivors, comes off as though she's trying to fix the problems with the landmark law, but her willingness to meet with anti Title IX advocates seems to give an impression that the Trump administration will do a quiet dismantling of this law on college campuses. A tell-tale sign is DeVos's unhappiness with the Title IX under the Obama presidency has been her  appointment of Candice Jackson. Jackson has pulled no punches about her feelings on sexual assault, and has been privately expressing her intent to begin a process that could potentially end a 2011 directive that lays out the Title IX guidelines that Universities must follow when a student reports a sexual assault. Just recently DeVos proclaimed with a lot of gas lighting. "If everything is sexual harassment, then nothing is."

Trump has also come out denouncing women who accused the late Roger Ailes of sexual harassment in the workplace.
"I can tell you that some of the women that are complaining, I know how much he's helped them. And even recently," the Republican presidential nominee told Meet the Press host Chuck Todd. "And when they write books that are fairly recently released, and they say wonderful things about him. And now all of a sudden they're saying these horrible things about him. -- It's very sad. Because he's a very good person. I've always found him to be just a very, very good person. And by the way, a very, very talented person. Look what he's done. So I feel very badly."- 

 Donald Trump (with actress Arianne Zucker .
You can probably discover something about a person's character when you see who he is willing to defend. Protecting rape victims is not on Trump's agenda, as he feigned back in 1989. But the personality of this president seems to be one that exploits a person's outrage or fear of rape, as well as excusing his own behavior.
On this issue of sexual assault, (Like a few others) Trump has been on both sides of it. He has been both angry, and dismissive. He is ready to send down fire from the sky against those he hates on the subject, but then defend his own actions when he's caught on a hot mic as "Locker room talk. Two-faced people usually can't be trusted to tell the truth. And their sole agenda is do whatever they want to, while placing the place on others.

When someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them.- Maya Angelou

Special Thanks to:
Sue Vargo @Suvee85 on Twitter for the article :White House quietly removes sexual assault report  from website

Related Youtube Vlog: 

Locker Room Talk
Previous Article: 
Injustice Backlash On Rape

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Injustice Backlash On Rape

After every atrocity one can expect

to hear the same predictable apologies:
It never happened; the victim lies;
The victim exaggerates;
The victim brought it upon herself;
And in any case, its time to
forget the past and move on.

The more powerful the perpetrator,
the greater is his prerogative to name and
define reality, and the more completely
His arguments prevail.

Judith Lewis Herman from her book
"Trauma and Recovery"

It seems it doesn't matter if you lie or speak the truth, as long as you win. The Narcissist will never give into the fact that he or she is wrong. When something bad happens to them, or justice demands punishment at any level, there is no remorse or contrition. They don't change and don't regret. He is a good actor capable of convincing you that his or her view of life is the right one. The person who is allowed to do the most damage without being accountable for their actions feels empowered by society either by his or her exceptional looks, personality, financial influence or circle of friends. They're often shocked when they run into a wall of resistance and someone says "no" to them.

Title IX is a gender equity law guaranteeing a student has the right to an education free of discrimination. Victims of sexual assault unearthed this law going back to 1972, and petitioned the Department of Education. Some of you might be surprised that this bill was signed into law by none other than Richard M. Nixon. (Who would have guessed?) While most didn't pay attention to this law, the backlog of rape victims having their rights ignored and complaints of sexual assault was staggering on many major campuses through the decades. But most college deans and University boards, were fat and happy as long as the money kept coming in. "After all, our image is easier to protect than the real problem."   The Obama Administration discovered many Universities were not in compliance with the law. Most of these universities were forced to take sexual assault seriously, or face losing funding.

Now compliance to the law began to be a slow game changer. A guilty person could take his punishment and leave school, (and be thankful no criminal charges have been pressed), but the stubborn narcissist refuses to accept reality. "They can't do that to me!" He tells his friends, "It's not fair!" Apparently male rights activists and misogynists have found an Achilles heel in the narrative. Some are aligning themselves with those 1 to 8 percent who have been wrongly accused.  The mockery of gender equality from extremist men’s rights activists, including the National Coalition for Men has elevated their agenda into a voice that doesn't want true justice. They want "winning" on the platform of "unfairness to my gender." 

Rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment is personal. It affects the individual. Many students sexually assaulted on or off campus are looking for a safer environment, not revenge. They have every right to get an education free of the fear of running into their attacker or being harassed and bullied by the attacker's friends. That is a reality. But the narrative from the guilty or their peer group is:

  • It was consensual
    Peer group victim blaming of sexual assault
  • She's lying
  • She wants to ruin someone
  • He's a good guy and would never do that 
  • The bitch needs to get over it
  • Just another feminist who hates men

Being a politician doesn't mean you must be political. Also the President is suppose to be President of everyone. Betsy DeVos was appointed by President Donald Trump to head up the Department of Education, but does not have a background or degree in education. And Ms. DeVos seems to believe the best solution to this dilemma is to give time out to both sides. This fairness approach works well when dealing with children who have a verbal disagreement on the playground. It minimizes the issue and restores peace. You give them a cookie and tell them to play nice. The real gut fear from most survivors and advocates is that Betsy DeVos has a political agenda which runs against the policies set up by the previous President.  She told a group of reporters:

Betsy DeVos United States Secretary of Education
“No student should feel like there isn’t a way to seek justice, and no student should feel that the scales are tipped against him or her,” she told reporters Thursday afternoon, following what she called an “emotionally draining” series of meetings with college administrators, survivors of assault and students who said they were falsely accused and wrongly disciplined."- - Washington Post July 13, 2017
Misplaced empathy for someone who doesn't want to feel guilt, and does not want everyone to know about the shameful thing they've done seems to have found a sympathetic ear from Ms DeVos along with Candice Jackson her so-called Civl Rights chief.

"She told the New York Times that 90% of complaints “fall into the category of ‘we were both drunk,’ ‘we broke up, and six months later I found myself under a Title IX investigation because she just decided that our last sleeping together was not quite right.’” -LA Times July 17, 2017
Candice Jackson is Deputy Assistant Secretary  for Civil Rights 
 Ms. Jackson walked back her remarks, but then went on to comment through the filter of politics pointing at the previous administration. I'm sorry, but I can't un-hear your comments, or believe your agenda is not politically skewed.

I don't want to see anyone (as I'm sure any advocate or survivor,) become a victim of false accusations. It's just plain old wrong, and survivors can empathize with anyone regardless of gender when it comes to being falsely shamed and blamed. But the rights of survivors and future survivors cannot be placed at stake for the cause of misogynistic groups to score a win. Fairness is not the stick where Ms DeVos needs to affect change. No one who is guilty of wrong doing wants to face any justice or punishment. But there is an idea developing in America that says I don't need to be right, all I need to do is beat the other person.

"When top administration officials seek advice from misogynistic hate-groups that harass young rape survivors, parrot their lies in public statements and work to weaken the hard-won protections that student survivors rely on, it sends a clear message to America’s young people: Your safety does not matter to us. Your education does not matter. We never believed you." -Zoe Ridolfi-Starr NY Daily News Saturday, July 22, 2017
Holding meetings so some can feel better serves no purpose in the interest of Justice. Fairness is a principle which holds back the absolute truth for everyone.

Edward R Murrow Journalist Broadcaster 1908-1965

I simply cannot accept that there are, on every story, two equal and logical sides to an argument. -Edward R. Murrow.


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Two Faces of a President

Trumps Two-Face War on Survivors

       You can easily  judge the character of a person by  how he treats  those who can do nothing for him. Johann Wolfga...